Multi 9 Auxiliaries

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The Multi 9 product line includes a variety of electrical auxiliaries for the C60, N40, and C120 supplementary

protectors and circuit breakers, they may be attached to the protective devices as needed to fulfill the tripping or

monitoring application requirements, they include the following devices:

●  MN Undervoltage Release;

●  MX+OF Shunt Trip and Auxiliary Switch;

●  OF Auxiliary Switch 

●  SD Alarm Switch;

●  OFS Special Auxiliary Switch, used with GFP and ID RCCB's, allow other accessories to be mounted to the side

of the GFP;

All the auxiliaries have a maximum width of 54mm and are mechanically linked to the base C60, N40 or C120

protective devices.

Device Control Voltage
Modules (9mm) C60/GFP/N40
MX+OF Shunt Release + Auxiliary Switch
24 24 2 27118 27118 A9N20948
48 48 2 27110 27110 A9N26947
110-240-277 125 2 27109 27109 A9N26946
220-277 - - - - -
MN Undervoltage Release
24 24 2 27108 27108 -
48 48 2 27106 27106 A9N26961
120 - 2 27107 27107 -
240 - 2 27105 27105 A9N26960
OF Auxiliary Switch 12-277 12-125 1 MG26925 26924 26924
SD Alarm Switch 12-277 12-125 1 MG26928 26927 26927
OFS Alarm Switch for GFP only 240/415 130 1 - - 26923

OF Auxiliary Switch
OF Auxiliary Switch
SD Alarm Switch
SD Alarm Switch
MX+OF Shunt Release and Auxiliary Switch
MX+OF Shunt Release and Auxiliary Switch
MN Undervoltage Release
MN Undervoltage Release